Week 2 ~

Monday, July 19, 2010
I have one week of success under my belt towards a healthy life style and better me! I feel a need to have a safe place to ramble about my daily nuances of this journey. My hope is I will not go it alone, but others will find me and join in.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ok...It's ON!

I've been on a slippery slope for some time now. I totally lost whatever grip I had, what, 6 weeks ago?...When I stopped blogging. Nonetheless, I was doing wrong before I stopped confessing. Though modifications were made along the way to prevent total catastrophe, I still managed to follow the national average and gained 11 pounds from Halloween to Christmas. That being said, I am still quite happy to report I am 12 pounds below where I was one year ago today! Historically, I cannot recall more than a small handful of years where I did not progressively gain from year to year, so to me, a deficit of 12 pounds is equivalent to the brakes being to the floor, screeching, and that makes me happy. So today, I got on the scales again. I opened the Word document I started back in August and entered my current weight. I went to the end of each month and typed in a goal for that month indicating my desire to lose an average of 2.5 per week. It helped me to see what I might accomplish by the end of this coming summer. Really! It did! To see what number I'd be at if I mind my manners, rather than saying "I'd like to lose 100 pounds"...it seems so much more realistic when the commitment is laid out in baby steps. Next, at some point in the next month, I will establish a reward system for myself for reaching my monthly goal. I'm thinking maybe a Christmas ornament for each goal since Christmas is my bookmark date, frog ornaments maybe, so I can devote an entire small tree to my accomplishment. I keep a small, skinny tree up year round in my spare room, and it doesn't have anything on it. Just thinking... Any ideas?